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YOUR BRAND in one of the 2019 Americus Pro Cup game live streams

We are offering you the unique chance to have your brand in a 10sec ad in the livestream. We have 7 games during August 2019. That's 7 games... which mean 7 livestreams!


We have fans watching worldwide. The largest viewer numbers for a single game reached 28k!! Over the last two years we have 10-28k views per game.


Choose the game to run your ad ($150 per ad) Or choose all 7 games for a discounted price $950.

If you don't have an ad don't worry we can help with a still graphic.


Sign your brand up now before it's too late.


Show your Support of EUROSTARS



EuroStars is a unique programme. It's an annual sporting event that helps add value to European female players, provide opportunities and to INSPIRE. You can help us to do this!


VISIBILITY MATTERS is the heart of the our message.


With your support we can keep the high level professionalism by attracting and retaining the best roster.

12 different European Countries are represented this year in the 16 EuroStars.
Incredible players from small ultimate communities such as Lithuania, Portugual, Czech Republic, Ireland, Poland are all included in the 2019 team. We invite you to show your support though our Sponsor-A-Player programme.


EuroStars does not profit from the Tour and is committed to channeling resources into supporting players and their local communities. Each Spring the EuroStars run "you're a star" clinics around Europe which have been a great success. To date we have had over 1000 clinic attendees.


Show your EuroStars Fever by supporting EuroStars.



Thank you so very much, The Eurostars

Your Ad in the live stream

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