Clinic Weekend Recap
Over 400 inspiring players turned up to the inaugural You're a Star weekend: 6 simultaneous Clinics and Gender Equity sessions in 6 different countries across Europe led by the EuroStars. It was a huge success. This would not have been possible without the enthusiasm and support of all the players, clubs and federations involved. Thank you to everyone! FIFD - Federazione Italiana Flying Disc - Frisbee Reading Ultimate Maribor Ultimate Federación Española de Disco Volador Discachos Ultimate Frisbee Murcia Ultimate Vienna Wizards Coaching CUS Bologna Ultimate Frisbee - Bodisc MUD Movimento Ultimate Femminile Crunch Amsterdam Women's Ultimate box - vienna ultimate Österreichischer Frisbee Sport Verband Lefti Fruehmann Luckygrass #youreastar #visibilitymatters #eurostarstour